Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Apologies to Blog Readers

To anyone who might have hoped to follow more of my blogging this winter:

I apologize for not keeping up with blog updates through the winter months.  A couple of big things have contributed to this: 1.) Tax Season- which comes along once a year and shocks me with its all-consuming power and 2.) Wedding Planning- that's right!  Rob & I are getting married this June!  Don't get me wrong; these are both very good things.  I'm more than satisfied with the way my International Tax Consulting Business is going and have thoroughly enjoyed corresponding with clients based in interesting posts around the world, but it just doesn't leave much time for other activities from February through mid-April.  I shouldn't complain, though, since for the most part, I have it pretty good the other ten months of the year.  And wedding planning is a unique and memorable once-in-a-lifetime experience, so I want to do it to the best of my abilities, though again, it seems like as soon as I cross one item off of my "To Do" list, several more items pop up. 

So, please bear with me as I take another blog break, and I'll be back eventually.  In the meantime, I've found it fascinating to see how many people (from all over the world) have logged in to this blog to check out a post or two.  I've also had the amazing chance-experience of re-connecting with a former friend because she and her husband found me through the blog (and it turned out we were both in Kigali, Rwanda at the same time- seriously, what are the chances?)  Even though I haven't been an active blogger recently, it seems that there are still some benefits to having this blog out there on the blogosphere-- unintended consequences/benefits of this experiment.

Thanks for your patience through this busy time...


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