Wednesday, January 19, 2011

2011- Reflections on the Travel Bug

A few weeks of a blog break quickly turned into over a month.  It's good to be back, though, and 2011 is certainly promising to be a very exciting year.

After a four-week whirlwind trip home, sandwiched in between two extra-long days of flying halfway around the world, I can't help but to do just a bit of reflecting on travel. 

First, the numbers.  Since departing the U.S. for Rwanda on August 29th, 2006:

-I have lived in 6 different apartment.
-I have attempted to learn 4 different languages.
-I have spent time in 13 different countries.
-I have flown approximately 200,000 miles.

I can say without a doubt that I've loved every minute of this non-stop series of destinations.  I had gotten bit by the Travel Bug, and fed the fever in a major way. 

It's also safe to say that my travel-stamina is dwindling, that every time I leave home it's just a little bit harder and a little more draining.

As 2011 begins, I have a goal: one more year and a half, max, living outside of the U.S.  After that, sure I'll get the Travel Bug and plan vacations and look forward to returning to visit friends in places where we've lived, and maybe even take a temporary assignment overseas at some point, but there'll be a difference: we'll have our own home base in the U.S., near family, friends, or both.

So, that means I have a year and a half to make the most of life overseas.  Sounds good to me; it's a challenge I'm definitely willing to take!

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